
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Cipd Recording Essay

Organisations need to collect data in order to comply with regulations such as minimum wage, working time directive, health and safety and even health and safety. 2) Keeping training and performance records on employees enables management to assess individual productivity and performance and allows them to help the employee reach there full potential and in turn increase productivity. Two Types Of Data Collected and How Each Supports HR Practices 1) Statutory Records – Such as tax, national insurance contributions, sickness and SSP, hours worked and accident book. These types of records ensure that the HR department complies with all regulatory requirements 2) Organisational Records – Such as Recruitment and Selection records, absence, staff turnover records, learning and development records. These types of records are essential for the HR department and allows them to monitor staffing levels and recruit when necessary, monitor staff sickness to ensure productivity is not being affected and also to if there is anything the organization can do to cut down on sickness levels and records to ensure that staff are maintaining a high level of efficiency through learning and development activities. Two Methods of storing records and benefits of each Manual System: Filing Cabinet – Files are easily accessible and doesn’t require a computer to be turned on. Manual system cannot be affected by loss of power or hackers cannot access a manual filing system from another computer Computerised System: The benefits of a computerised filing system are numerous, and include reduced costs to the company, benefits to the environment, increased ease of sorting, finding, and moving documents. Another benefit is that it allows the office to operate in a smaller environment, because a great deal of space is not required for storing documents in a paper filing system. Two Essential Items of UK Legislation relating to Recording and Storing HR Data Data Protection Act 1998 The Data Protection Act 1998 applies to most personnel records, whether held in paper or computerised format. Under the Data Protection Act, data must not be kept any longer than is necessary for a particular purpose. Computerised systems are covered by the law, as are certain manual systems: to be covered, manual systems must be organised into a ‘relevant filing system’. Subject to certain exceptions as detailed in Schedule 7 of the Data Protection Act, employees have the right to access their records and the employer is under an obligation to ensure that the data is accurate. Before releasing such data to a third party, the employer must seek the permission of the individual concerned. The Information Commissioner has issued an Employment Practices Data Protection Code in four parts: †¢ Part 1: Recruitment and selection †¢ Part 2: Employment records †¢ Part 3: Monitoring at work †¢ Part 4: Information about workers health. In the event that employment contracts/accident record books and other personnel records are needed for the purpose of a legal action, the riginals must be made available if possible  or the employer must explain what happened to the original documents backed up by what is known as a ‘statement of truth’. When employers really no longer need to keep certain data, destruction must take place securely and effectively, for example by shredding. Freedom of Information Act (2000) NI The Freedom Of Information Act gives people the right to ask any public body for information they have on any subject you choose. Also, unless there’s a good reason, the organisation must provide the information within 20 working days. You can also ask for all the personal information it holds on you. The act applies to all ‘public authorities’ including: †¢ government departments and the Northern Ireland Assembly †¢ local authorities †¢ health trusts, hospitals and doctors surgeries †¢ schools, colleges and universities †¢ publicly funded museums †¢ the police †¢ many other non-departmental public bodies, committees and advisory bodies Any person can make a request for information under the Act – there is no restrictions on your age, nationality, or where you live. You can ask for any information at all – but some information might be withheld to protect various interests which are allowed for by the Act. If this is the case, the public authority must tell you why they have withheld information. If you ask for information about yourself, then your request will be handled under the Data Protection Act; if you ask for information about other people (third parties), the Freedom of Information Act will apply. However, disclosure of personal information which would breach anyone else’s rights under the Data Protection Act is not permitted.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Philosophy Of Life And Education Education Essay

The delay and grueling hours of survey and fulfilment of academic demands will shortly be over. I meet the chance of graduating from this University with a grade in Business Finance with assorted feelings. First, there is alleviation that all the hours that I have put in order to accomplish this stepping rock into the universe of concern have eventually paid off. Second, there is pride that I was able to carry through so much non merely academically but besides for my ain personal development within the continuance of my class in the University. Third, there is besides the fright that I feel comes of course to every alumnus as he steps out of a familiar environment and into an unfamiliar one. I know, along with every alumnus this twelvemonth, that the existent universe of work will be much tougher than the academia. However, I am confident that with my strong background in broad instruction and in my field of specialisation, I will be able to see my ends to fruition. There are three primary ends in my life at this peculiar clip which emphasize on household, personal, and societal duties. My first end is to take a successful calling as a man of affairs as I fulfill the household duty of pull offing the household concern. Having come from a traditional Eastern household, I am expected to take over the reins of the concern which my ascendants have labored to set up in order to procure the demands of the household. When I graduate, I will apprentice under my male parent until I have adequate experience to personally run the palm oil concern that my household owns. In my civilization, household ever comes foremost. This is my manner of honouring all the forfeits that my parents have done for me in order to supply me with a nice life and an first-class instruction. As my parents progress in age, it is the duty of the kids to take attention of them in their retirement. This is why my first major end at this point in my life is to instantly use all that I have learned to back up my household and prolong our support. My 2nd end is of a personal nature. Finally, I want to prosecute a alumnus grade in order to heighten my cognition in concern direction. Obtaining a maestro ‘s grade in concern disposal in the close hereafter will be of great aid to me professionally. On a personal degree, I recognize that larning does non stop and must be pursued continually. In add-on to executing the duties that one ‘s household expects of you, one should besides see one ‘s personal growing and development as a major end. My 3rd end relates to societal duty in relation to concern as a profession. During several categories I attended, I learned and appreciated the duty for concerns to do a positive impact to the community. I consider it an duty particularly for concerns rooted in the environment, like the oil concern. I had frequently considered puting up a scholarship fund for qualified yet disadvantaged kids in my community. There are many who are deprived of the basic demands in life such as instruction that need aid from those who can supply it for them. I do non believe that the impact of my instruction should interpret into doing the most addition for the benefit of the household concern I will shortly pull off. Rather, as Wood ( 1999 ) stated, the societal duty of concerns includes the designation and rating of concern results non sole of fiscal profitableness or a company ‘s wellbeing but by rules such as moralss and societal desirableness. I believe that ethical behavior of concern and profitableness are non reciprocally sole. Ethical motives and societal duty encouragement concern while at the same clip lending positively to the society in general. I recognize of class, that the universe is undergoing several societal, economic and political turbulences. The recent planetary crises and the outstanding dirts affecting planetary corporations Enron and AIG have had several deductions for the universe of concern. Political differences all over the universe – the Israeli-Palestine struggle, terrorist act, the atomic menace posed by Iran and North Korea, and the crude oil wars – affect lives and concerns around the universe. Peace remains elusive. Without peace, the chance of economic and societal development becomes even dimmer. Furthermore, the job of clime alteration besides presents several deductions for concerns including the concern that I will shortly take. Erratic conditions forms lead to drought, torrential rains, landslides, storms and works disease which will impact the palm oil concern negatively. My hopes for the universe within the following five decennaries are many. First, I look frontward to a more sus tainable and greenish universe. Because of my engagement in the palm oil industry, I feel that I can make my portion in conveying this about. In the palm oil concern, the environment is ever a primary concern. Palm oil companies are invariably pressured by environmental groups to cut down their environmental impact, which I think is merely fitting since the industry itself relies on sustainable environments to do their concerns grow. I believe that palm oil concerns should endeavor to implement schemes that would do palm cultivation work harmoniously and non negatively with the environment. Aside from saving and re-afforestation attempts, there should besides be clear waies in research and development to come up with ways for sustainable palm oil cultivation and to develop environmentally-friendly fuel. The palm oil industry presently presents an alternate to ozone-harmful crude oil energy with biodiesel and oleo-chemicals. It is of import that these attempts are carried on for the benefit of a greener universe. Second, I besides hope for a more socially responsible concern sector. One of the most dramatic realisations I had while in college is the judgement that most concerns operate with net income as the lone end. Several industries around the Earth have left devastated environments, deforested lands, and polluted Waterss. Furthermore, corruptness and maliciousness besides hound the corporate sector following the recent batch of dirts affecting the top foreman of fiscal corporations. I feel that supplying an illustration to other concern leaders and concern proprietors on working ethically in the behavior of one ‘s concern will be important. In this mode, I feel I can someday lend to making a more socially responsible concern sector. However wishful I am to see this hope realized, I recognize that most business communities refuse to take the ethical position. I believe that the perceptual experience of many in the concern sector is that net income is the primary purpose, the societal duty ends are simply optional. I believe that non being able to determine future concern leaders to go more socially sensitive is a defect of modern twenty-four hours instruction. Education in the schoolroom has failed to interpret into work forces and adult females who care about the universe and who are capable of looking at things from a larger position. This is one of the chief grounds I am thankful that my college instruction has become an empowering experience for me. In the past, I used to be apathetic to the events that form and reshape the universe. My involvement has merely been self-preservation and self-advancement. The twenty-four hours I stepped into the university, I resolved that I will make everything I can to stand out and do my household proud of me. However, the lessons and classs I have taken have forced me to re-evaluate my ain ends and positions in life. As C.S. Lewis stated, the emancipating character of instruction transforms a pupil from â€Å" an stubborn small package of appetencies â €  toward â€Å" the good adult male and the good citizen † ( qtd. in Dunn 1 ) . As I graduate, I hope to go that adult male C.S. Lewis was mentioning to. A college instruction has done so much in pitching me towards that way. First, a college instruction has developed my ability to believe independently. Because of the diverse lessons that I have learned inside the schoolroom, from the humanistic disciplines, doctrine, political scientific discipline, and economic sciences, I have become person who can believe for himself. Before, I used to organize no sentiments about most things or issues. Yet, a college instruction has made me more opinionative and comparatively free from the confines of traditional or conventional thought. Second, it has made me more critical of the sentiments of others as good. The inclination for pupils or kids is to trust on the wisdom of those who are more experient than they are. As I learned more and endeavoured to educate myself on issues that impact me as a citizen, I found that I no longer cleaving to what my parents or equals say and think. The more sceptered my head has become, the more I can show myself. Third, a college instruction has besides led me to appreciate diverse ness in assorted signifiers. The authorization that comes from instruction allows us to see the universe from a wider lens. By larning about different civilizations, theories, and contexts, I have become more occupied to the survey of history and civilization. I admit that, being of Eastern descent, I carry with me several biass and preconceived impressions about people, events, and issues. The more I learned, nevertheless, the more I realized that I was incorrectly in most of these beliefs. I have besides developed the accomplishment to set things into the proper context and justice with an unfastened and critical head. A college instruction has besides helped me understand the universe better. It has opened my eyes to a diverse set of doctrines and accounts of phenomena that I have ne'er even dared to cognize approximately. Before I started college, many things remained cryptic or dazing to me. For case, I failed to understand why Islamic extremism exists and why people would make hideous Acts of the Apostless such as suicide bombardment. I besides could non appreciate why there are feminist motions around the universe and why generative rights is such a immense issue. Because these subjects were discussed in category, my eyes were opened for the first clip. Although I admit that taking it all in posed a great trouble, the of import thing was, unlike in the past where I was blind to such issues or phenomena, I have now learned an account for them. I enjoyed most of the assigned readings and besides exhausted clip reading books that were of a personal involvement to me. Possibly the most memorable book and philosopher I greatly appreciate and find inspirational is Nobel Prize laureate Bertrand Russell and his books, including his autobiographies. I admire his glare and his echt concern for the human race, with this quotation mark from The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell: Three passions, simple but overpoweringly strong, have governed my life: the yearning for love, the hunt for cognition, and intolerable commiseration for the agony of world. These passions, like great air currents, have blown me hither and thither, in a contrary class, over a deep ocean of anguish, making to the really brink of desperation. aˆÂ ¦ This has been my life. I have found it deserving life, and would lief populate it once more if the opportunity were offered me ( Russell 3-4 ) . Russell ‘s eternal captivation with the human spirit is something I wish for myself. With all my experiences in college, I feel the demand to construct on that cognition more and more. In the past, I could see myself a inactive scholar. Largely, I take in whatever is being taught but ne'er truly do an attempt to understand or appreciate it. I besides consider myself a lazy reader, sing it a load to bury myself in a few pages of books and analyse its contents. My strong suit has ever been in Numberss and mathematics. My life in college has changed the manner I take in cognition. When I majored in finance, I was able to appreciate how Numberss and mathematic calculations are being applied in concern. This made me more interested and more committed to my specialisation. Furthermore, I have found myself prosecuting others when discoursing societal issues and showing my sentiment when I have something to state. These betterments with myself and my methods of larning I can impute to the broad instruction provided to me and the inspiration I derived from the books and philosophers I have read. A broad instruction creates the all-around person. This is what it means to me. Broad instruction plants under the premiss that the ultimate end adult male is to go â€Å" to the full human. † To be to the full human requires non merely that work forces can be able to believe but to interpret this thought into the public presentation of our responsibilities as members of society. Hence, broad instruction does non restrict itself to the remarkable undertaking of preparation persons for the work force. While fiting people with the accomplishments they need for future employment, broad instruction, harmonizing to C.S. Lewis ( 1999 ) , â€Å" conserves civilisation by bring forthing sensible work forces and responsible citizens † ( p. 18 ) . This is after all, what sets us apart from the animate beings. Men should move non merely out of the demand for self-preservation and needs satisfaction, they should be able to be free from basic appetencies and utilize their head to ju dge what is right and incorrect for them and for society. Before, I failed to appreciate why I need to take classs in political scientific discipline or sociology or doctrine – topics which I felt were irrelevant to my major in concern finance. I realized subsequently on that an instruction with a strong background in broad humanistic disciplines provides a more comprehensive position of the universe and completes the partial position provided by one field of specialisation. If I focused on one country of cognition, my position of the universe is uncomplete. My capacity to believe critically, justice, and move upon that judgement would be limited because I lack the information demand to do wiser determinations. Hence, I began to look at my major as merely one piece of the mystifier and that cognition requires several pieces to be patched together. Several of these pieces could merely be completed with general cognition provided by a broad humanistic disciplines instruction. Broad humanistic disciplines provides all-around instruction by giving pupils a diverse organic structure of cognition and the critical thought, analytic and scrutiny accomplishments to set these thoughts into their proper context and do sense out of them. Decidedly, the broad humanistic disciplines classs I took had a liberating consequence on me. As I earlier stated, I used to look at the universe in mere Numberss and mathematics. I cared less for what was go oning around me – in the societal and political environment. As a consequence, I had several prejudices and biass which were a contemplation of my hapless background in general cognition. In this mode, instruction as a whole has become non merely necessary, but meaningful to my future profession and to my personal life. After I graduate from college, I intend to prosecute a maestro ‘s grade in order to go a fiscal analyst. I expect to read several books in finance and concern disposal. Along with these required books, I besides intend to read on moralss, doctrine and the environment to assist me accomplish the three major ends I have set for myself as I graduate from college. I want to be a good man of affairs non merely in footings of the profitableness and productiveness of my concern but because of how ethically sound I conduct my concern. My personal mission statement in one sentence is: To go to the full human and being a positive force in society by populating with honestness, compassion, and duty. In the professional sense, I want to be able to take the household concern with efficiency and profitableness while adhering to the ethical criterions and rules required of socially responsible concerns. I want to lend, in my capacity as a future man of affairs and fiscal analyst, to a greener and more sustainable Earth by advancing environmental-friendly policies and researches. Furthermore, I want to put an illustration for the concern sector in making concern responsibly.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Persuasive letter on being able to carry a concealed weapon on college Essay

Persuasive letter on being able to carry a concealed weapon on college campuses - Essay Example The process of obtaining a concealed permit is different according to every state’s legislature. It is not an easy process and can take a set amount of time based on the area that the individual is trying to obtain a permit. It requires a thorough background check and there are disqualifying factors such as violent behavior, felonies, and excessive drug use that can keep an irresponsible person from obtaining a concealed permit (Scheb 318). Also, there are rules, which prevent individuals from buying weapons at all. In most states, you have to be at least 18 years of age to buy rifles and at least 21 to buy a handgun. In addition, there are limitations to the armaments that a person can buy, which again is limited to more thorough background checks if you want to buy deadlier weapons such as fully automatic assault rifles, which are typically reserved only for military and civilian law enforcement organizations. The first and most obvious debate to the issue is that you are ta king the student’s right away to protect him or herself. Under the constitution, citizens of the United States have the right to bear arms. As stated previously, in order to obtain the right to carry a weapon, there are many processes that a person has to go through and if they do not meet the requirements, they are unable to purchase neither a firearm nor a permit. The reason that this was put into the constitution was because during the American Revolution, the British wanted to keep American patriots from being able to defend themselves and put up resistance (Fernandez, and Sarat 25-35). The key they’re being that they wanted to keep the populous benign and incapable of their own defense. By not allowing concealed carrying for responsible citizens, the government is doing to the population no different than what the British did during the revolutionary war, a war fought for freedom. ‘ In a specific instance, at some schools there are already weapons on campus. For example, North Georgia College and State University is a senior military college and still has an extremely large civilian population. Because of the highly militaristic nature and tradition of the school, the cadets that attend classes do train with military weapons such as the M16A2, M249B, and M240. It is common to hear gunfire on campus as the cadets train on how to fire and use this weaponry. This is a responsible instance in which military weapons are used on campus and no one has been injured. Another reason as to why there should be weapons on campus is the inherent crime, which surrounds campuses, especially in the city. Larger universities are like cities within cities; public safety cannot control every single portion of the campus at the same time. Especially in the case of females, they are vulnerable if they are not traveling with someone else. The only defense they can really have is maice and there is nothing that is going to stop someone from coming up with a g un and doing harm to them. There is no way to control criminals from coming onto campus with weapons as has been seen in some events; therefore why would we want to stop students from protecting themselves when criminals are not going to abide by the laws anyway? As can be seen, it is necessary and a constitutional right by which we are given our freedom to protect

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

CORPORATE AND SECURITIES LAW Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CORPORATE AND SECURITIES LAW - Case Study Example The paper applies both corporate and securities law to solve the issue existing at Bagofglass, Inc. (BofG). Peter, the petitioner in the case, seeks compensation for damages caused by Bog as provided under section 11 of corporate law. Bagofglass Inc., through its CEO, Mr. Erwin Mainway, signed the registration statement. The statement took effect on January 1, 2011 after its successful filing on December 10, 2010. In the statement, Bagofglass Inc declared public offering of its shares. Mr. Peter bought shares after the statement became effective. Each share sold at ten dollars; Peter purchased a thousand shares. On January 15, the Company violated the agreement stipulated in the statement by selling its shares at fifteen dollars per share. Peter, the plaintiff, therefore, alleges that Bagofglass violated the law by omitting the facts stated in the registration statement. Therefore, the registration statement signed by Erwin was misleading. In this case, Bagofglass Inc’s CEO is liable as the signatory and director of the corporation. Corporate Law provides that if an individual purchases the shares not in the initial offer, except when from a third party, the plaintiff may seek compensation for damages caused by false statements as provided under section 11. Therefore, it is possible for Mr. Peter to recover against Bagofglass and its staff involved in giving a misleading registration statement. The staff includes Mr. Ewin Mainway (Bagofglass Inc.’s CEO), the law firm representing Bagofglass Inc., Dewy, Cheat hem and How (DUCHY) and the accounting firm representing BofG, Ernest and Ernest, LLP (E&E). The law firm, DC&H is liable if they expertise the portion of the initial public offering of Bagofglass, Inc. The aforementioned statement takes effect only if the conducted reasonable investigations provide facts beyond reasonable doubt that DUCHY participated at the time when the registration statement thereon was untrue. However, DC&H are not liable in

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Strategic Management - Essay Example Therefore, to understand the identity of Tolapp Corporation and define it, clear perception of what is being conveyed in the corporate communications to their audiences, like the sales papers inserted in the newspapers twice a week, is essential. The mission statement is an essential component of corporate communication in establishing its identity. It aims to achieve this externally by expressing what its various target audiences can expect from the services and products (Schnelle, 2008). The corporate communications to their audiences, like the sales papers inserted in the newspapers, is a primary source for the information required for preparing the mission statement for Tolapp Corporation. The synopsis of Tolapp Corporation provided, gives information on the products of the organization, manufacturing locations of their products, and the distribution chain used by Tolapp Corporation to male their products available to their customers. The nine essential components of a mission st atement are customers; products and services; markets; technology; concern for survival, growth, and profitability; philosophy; self-concept; concern for public image; and concern for employees (Rigsby & Greco, 2003). The mission statement developed for Tolapp Corporation is as follows: At Tolapp Corporation we strive to provide energy saving power products, globally acclaimed, through innovative ideas in the creation, development, and manufacture of our products that exceed expectations in value for our customers, and thereby fulfilling the aspirations of all our stakeholders. We believe that to achieve this, empowerment of employees, development of sustainable operations, and commitment to the natural environment is essential. Principle for Prioritizing of Implementation Steps The principle for prioritizing the implementations towards achieving strategic objective of penetration of the global market place is developing the strategic priorities, and developing a response plan on th e basis of the strategic priorities. For example, understanding which country markets are the strategic priorities towards achieving the strategic objective of the global market expansion makes it possible for developing a response plan for penetrating the market of that particular country, and the order in which the markets of different country markets need to be tackled for successful achievement of the strategic objective of global expansion. This priority is necessary as resources are always limited and it is only through the identification of strategic priorities that successful prioritization of resources can be achieved. In addition, by identification of strategic priorities response planning consisting of identification of actionable goals ?communication of priorities ? understanding what can be done ? iterative work ? outcomes review ? next strategic priority can be undertaken (Cooke, 2010). Thus, using the principle strategic priorities helps in identifying and prioritizat ion of the implementation steps towards achieving the strategic objective of penetration of the global market place by Tolapp Corporation. Feedback Mechanisms for Evaluating Effectiveness Monitoring and controlling the response plan of global expansion as a strategic objective is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the response

Monday, August 26, 2019

Multivariate Data Analysis - Factor Analysis Assignment

Multivariate Data Analysis - Factor Analysis - Assignment Example There are different variables affecting the marketing studies like product price, product size, product weight, product composition, color, etc. These variables will make the customers to buy the products. The information for factor analysis in marketing studies is collected through the market surveys or by focusing a group. By these surveys, the company can know about their product variability. They can understand about their products in the market and they can discuss what are the factors affecting the customer’s product purchase. The increased competition in the market makes the companies hire new strategies that will please the customers. The companies like to retain their existing customers as they will be loyal to them. They know it is easy to handle the loyal customers than the new ones, who are ready to pay high amount also. But the profit will decline if the existing customers go for other options. If they are not satisfied they will really wish to change their existing brands and go for new ones. The surveys, observation and focus group are some of the methods used in marketing analysis. The variables used in these surveys will include the companies’ full services to the customers. They are not only dealing with the product that they buy, but also with the location of the store, parking availability, etc. There will be different type of customers and they are classified into different categories like younger ones, older peoples, ladies, etc. These customers have different type of options to select their product and the company has to focus on the needs of these peoples. The customer mainly relies on the factor of satisfaction; both with the quality and service. This makes better sales happen and it provides a loyal customer to the company. These factor analysis results will show the importance of relationship between different factors. Some factors

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Personal reflection Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal reflection - Coursework Example Through the lesson, I also learnt how to quantify risk and profitability. I finished the lecture by learning how to mitigate risks, especially the risks associated with projects. In my week five task, I led my group through the group project we are undertaking. My key role at this stage was to allocate task. I assigned Nicole, Emma and Cindy each to design five posters. I allocated Cindy a time schedule to do and write notes about the meeting we had. I assigned to Emma the task of taking photos about the park. I gave Nicole the task of correcting mistakes in the posters and Amber the collection of documents and writing of the final report. Attending the lecture on risks and projects was a new and exciting experience. Since I have never attended a lecture on the topic, I felt a bit nervous and anxious, as I did not have defined expectations and was not sure if I would understand the lecture and grasp the concepts. The lecturer made me feel a bit comfortable at the beginning since he had looked strict and introduced the topic in a manner that made it look very challenging. I was more than curious to know how projects and risk assessment are linked. The leadership role that I took towards our group project in week five made me nervous at the beginning of the week. I did not know how I would relate with my colleagues whom I were very fond of as their leader. The thought of how I would deal with them in incidences of non-compliance made me feel uneasy with the role. As time passed, I became more comfortable with the role because of my groups corporation. The experience was very influential and I was delighted that things turned out successfully. I had a wonderful experience from the lecture on risks and projects. The lecture enabled me to have an understanding of risks and projects. I managed to clearly differentiate between a risk and a hazard. I was in a position to assess the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Change Management College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Change Management College - Essay Example (Cummings. Worley: 1993). Organizational development and change management are concurrent fields which have a common basis and aim that of overall progress of the organization. However each field has specific nuances which are being discussed herein. (Davis: 1998). The aim of change management is to enhance organizational competitiveness. This can be achieved by strategic change and congruence in various facets of an organization, such as aligning the people, processes structures and culture. Change management is designed to change behavior before attitudes. (Davis: 1998). It is commonly believed that a large number of projects fail to achieve the expectations of the senior management. (Responding to Change). A survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and MORI carried out in the late 1990's revealed that 9 out of 10 barriers to change were related to people and included lack of change management skills, ineffective communications and resistance by employees. (Responding to Change). The phenomenon of organizational change is complex as it involves a number of inter related factors to include the stake holders, the people and the technologies. The key factors in change management are what are known as the softer issues of transforming behavior and training of the staff to accept change. (Responding to Change). ... Two models of change popularly known as the Lewin Model and the Bullock model are being examined herein. Lewin Model of Change - Salient Features Kurt Lewin's model of change evolves from the social-psychological approach to change management which had its matrix in Lewin's observations in the area of field theory, action science, group dynamics and organizational development. The main theme of the model is that an individual is shaped by the social environment rather than his genes. Thus the model entails three steps of unfreezing from the present state, moving to the new state and refreezing in the new state. The first state involves creating dissatisfaction, while the second stage involves organizing and mobilizing resources for change and the final stage, embedding the transformation in the organization. (Change Management : 2006). Thus a transformation from an existing quasi equilibrium to a new quasi equilibrium takes place as indicated in Figure 1. Figure 1 Transition and Forces of Change State A as seen in Figure 1 depicts the status quo of a social system which is held by two sets of forces which are shown by the arrows, that of change and status quo, which results in constancy at L2. In State B change is achieved by increasing forces for change and decreasing resistance thereby accomplishing change through high tension. While State C which takes up limited energy is as proposed by Lewin, wherein the resisting forces are reduced by a number of initiatives which consumes lesser energy than that required to expand the forces of change. (Schumacher). Thus learning is the primary mode of bringing about behavioral changes in people which is undertaken by increasing knowledge and broadening horizons of people affected,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Counseling Needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Counseling Needs - Essay Example The diagram on the next page illustrates the framework to be followed by me as the counsellor. The figure shows the interrelationship between the client and the counsellor, within the content and process influences that impact upon the individual, with the collaboration and intervention of the counsellor. I should work closely with policy makers in the organization, based on the theory by Savickas, Van Esbroeck and Herr that career guidance is a socio-political instrument for advancing organizational goals while helping the individual to realize a personally satisfying career (Patton & McMahon, 2006:231). The policy makers set the organizational system, which functions inside the social and environmental/societal systems. Working in the system side by side with the individual is the counsellor, who uses a collaborative and negotiating technique that makes up the pro-active approach. The counsellor finds out the policies and objectives in the organization, and helps the individual to adjust to the constantly changing organization.

Team Communication and Problem Solving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Team Communication and Problem Solving - Essay Example al. 1999 and Mabey et. al., 1998, amongst others) as decision makers are unable to be objective and rational in the real world. The 'administrative' or 'bureaucratic' model "questions whether managers are capable of making rational decisions" (Fulop & Lindstead, 1999. p. 299) and bases decision making on the actual behavior of the decision-maker. Simon (1960, in Fulop & Lindstead, 1999:308) recognises cognitive limits to human rationality and that "the decision making is likely to be influenced by non-rational, emotive and unconscious elements in human thinking". Incomplete information, time limits and group pressures are "thought to limit the optimising behavior so central to the rational model" (op. cite.). As a result, decision-making is the product of 'bounded rationality' and 'disjointed incrementalism', which results in 'satisficing', where the best decision is made within the confines of imperfect information and 'mutual partisan adjustment' between parties. In the 'bureaucratic' model this process is then institutionalised for future problem solving. The 'garbage-can' model suggests that "decisions are really problems looking for solutions" (Fulop & Lindstead, 1999:299), emphasises both the "role of chance decisions and the concept of strategy as a stream of decisions" (Leonard, et. al.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Man of the House Essay Example for Free

The Man of the House Essay The Man of the House The book Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt is about a young man that retells his childhood, when he and his family move from America to Ireland. Throughout the book the three main characters are Angela Mc Court (Frank’s mother), Malachy Mc Court (Frank’s father), and himself. All three of the characters play a very important role in the book, and they also affect each other. The most complex character of the book is Frank. Frank is not only the protagonist of this book, but he is also able to express all of his feelings in all the situations he goes through, throughout this book. Frank is the most variegated character in this book. He is the one that has to deal with not only his problems but everyone else’s. As the book continues the protagonist, Frank is growing up to be a man by himself (324). Usually boys have fathers that help them grow up into mature men, but Frank never was able to have that. His father was out drinking, not worrying what was going to happen with his family, and being irresponsible and selfish, which is what happens to a person when they have an addiction. When his father abandons the family, the weight is then put on Frank to take care of his siblings and mother. He is then put in the spot of â€Å"the man of the house†. Frank doesn’t mind getting a job at all, in fact he rather get a job then get an education (261). He likes the idea of working because when you work you see the result right away, which is money, but when getting an education your reward is more long term than short term. He sees this as a responsibility, but he also looks forward to being a man, and bringing home the wages his father was never able to do (265). Frank goes through this struggle throughout the book, becoming a man without his father, but he also has a hard time with his religion. Frankie, at this point, goes back and forth with Catholicism. His whole family is catholic and he believes in God, but there has been so many times where the Catholic Church has shut the doors on him. All of the experiences that Frank has had with the church do not make him think of his Irish religion as a positive thing. Frank mentions that when he is out being the messenger boy the poor people of Limerick are the ones who will tip him exceptionally well, the wealthy people on the other hand, the nuns, and the priests do not tip at all (315). Mentioned  throughout the book are the sins that Frank makes, all of the sins he makes guilt him, and they just get worse as the time goes on. Frank, as any other protagonist, goes through a long journey that makes him the man that he grows into by the end of the book. He goes through many obstacles, which is why I think he is the most complex character. Frankie makes the most progress, he has a goal that he makes early in the book, and that is to go back to America, which he later on succeeds at doing. He keeps determination that comes from within, but from also people around him that believe in him and what he is capable of doing.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Communication and Interpersonal Skills Reflection

Communication and Interpersonal Skills Reflection The aim of this report is to look at a critical incident that occurred in placement and relate this to the theory and knowledge regarding communication and interpersonal skills, so as to demonstrate an understanding of my views on the art and science of reflection and the issues surrounding reflective practice Reflection is part of reflective practice and a skill that is developed. It can be seen as a way of adjusting to life as a qualified healthcare professional and enhancing the development of a professional identity (Atwal Jones, 2009). Reflection is defined as a process of reviewing an experience which involves description, analysis and evaluation to enhance learning in practice (Rolfe et al 2001). This is supported by Fleming (2006), who described it as a process of reasoned thought. It enables the practitioner to critically assess self and their approach to practice. Reflective practice is advocated in healthcare as a learning process that encourages self-evaluation with subsequent professional development planning (Zuzelo, 2010). Reflective practice has been identified as one of the key ways in which we can learn from our experiences. The incident that was chosen was so for the reasons that the situation made the student aware of inadequacies on his own part and those of the staff on the team, which made him reflect upon the situation and how this could be learned from, so as not to make the same mistake again. Before the critical incident is examined it is important to look at what a critical incident is and why it is important to nursing practice. Girot (1997), cited in Maslin-Prothero, (1997) states that critical incidents are a means of exploring a certain situation in practice and recognising what has been learned from the situation. Benner (1984, cited by Kacperek, 1997) argues that nurses cannot increase or develop their knowledge to its full potential unless they examine their own practice. Confidentiality will be maintained as required by the Nursing Midwifery Council Code (NMC, 2008). MODELS In order to provide a framework for methods, practices and processes for building knowledge from practice, there are several models of reflection available. All can help to direct individual reflection. Reflective models, however, are not meant to be used as a rigid set of questions to be answered but to give some structure and encourage making a record of the activity. Johns (2004) model reflects on uncovering the knowledge behind the incident and the actions of others present. It is a good tool for thinking, exploring ideas, clarifying opinions and supports learning. Another model, Schon (1987), however, identifies two types of reflection that can be applied in healthcare, Reflection-in-action and Reflection-on-action. Reflection-in-action can also be described as thinking whilst doing. Reflection-on-action involves revisiting experiences and further analysing them to improve skills and enhance future practice. Terry Bortons (1970) 3 stem questions: What?, So What? and Now What? were developed by John Driscoll in 1994, 2000 and 2007. Driscoll matched the 3 questions to the stages of an experiential learning cycle, and added trigger questions that can be used to complete the cycle. However, Driscoll (2006) notes that reflective practice is often represented as a choice for health professionals, whether to be reflective or not to be, about their clinical practice. Finally, Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle is fairly straightforward and encourages a clear description of the situation, analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience, analysis to make sense of the experience, conclusion where other options are considered and reflection upon experience to examine what one would do if the situation arose again. In spite of all these models advantages, there are known barriers which prevent practitioners being able to reflect effectively and time plays a huge role. Smyth (2004) questions whether there is any time to think and be reflective because of the busy work environment that practitioners are involved in. CHOSEN MODEL In this report, I have chosen to use Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988) as a framework, because it focuses on different aspects of an experience and allows the learner to revisit the event fully. Gibbs (1988) will help me to explore the experience further, using a staged framework as guidance and I feel that this is a simple model, which is well structured and easy to use at this early stage in my course. This model comprises of a process that helps the individual look at a situation and think about their thoughts and feelings at the time of the incident; and consists of six stages to complete one cycle. Its cyclical nature starts with a description of the situation. This includes e.g. where were you; who else was there; why were you there; what were you doing; what were other people doing. Next is to analysis of the feelings that is, trying to recall and explore those things that were going on inside your head? The third stage is an evaluation of the experience; making a judgement regarding the reasons behind the event and its possible consequences. The fourth stage is an analysis to make sense of the experience. At this stage the event is broken down into its component parts so they can be explored separately. The fifth stage is a conclusion of what else could I have done; the creation of insight through the reflective process towards individual roles within the event being considered. And final stage is an action plan to prepare if the situation arose again. That is, recognitions leading towards behavioural adjustments where faced with similar events in the future (NHS, 2006). The use of this model represents a fundamental shift from the ideas of Kolb in that Gibbs model specifically refers to the key processes within reflection itself, rather than as reflection as a process within general learning. Reflective practice can mean taking our experiences as an initial point for our learning and developing practice (Jasper, 2003). Many literatures have been written in the past that suggest the use of reflective assignments and journaling as tools to improve reflection and thinking skills in healthcare (Chapman et al, 2008). Reflective journals are an ideal way to be actively involved in learning (Millinkovic Field, 2005) and can be implemented to allow practitioners to record events and document their thoughts and actions on daily situations, and how this may affect their future practice (Williams Wessel, 2004). The experience gained in this can then be used to deal with other situations in a professional manner. By contemplating it thus, I am able to appreciate it and guided to where future development work is required. Context of incident In the scenario the patients name will be given as Xst. The consequences of my actions for the client will be explained and how they might have been improved, including what I learned from the experience. My feelings about the clinical skills used to manage the clients care will be established and my new understanding of the situation especially in relation to evidence based practice will be considered. I will finally reflect on what actions I will take in order to ensure my continued professional development and learning. Xst is 55 year old woman who has a 10 year old daughter. She suffers from psychiatric problems, lack of motivation and has difficulties in maintaining her personal hygiene and the cleanliness of her flat. She was one of my mentors clients to whom I had been assigned to coordinate and oversee her care under supervision. Nurses owe their patients a duty of care and are expected to offer a high standard of care based on current best practise, (NMC 2008). Description Xst had been prescribed Risperidone Consta 37.5mg fortnightly, which is a moderate medication. Risperidone belongs to a group of medicines called antipsychotic, which are usually used to help treat people with schizophrenia and similar condition such as psychosis. Xst did not like attending depot clinic and she missed three consecutive appointments. My mentor decided after the third non-attendance to raise the issue in the handover meeting where it was decided to see Xst in the morning but when we arrived she was not there. We left a note for her to call the office. We did not hear from her and a further home visit was carried out to arrange for her next depot clinic appointment. I was asked to call a meeting of the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) who, at the meeting agreed that there would be a problem if the next injections were missed. At the next clinic, we waited for about an hour but she failed to attend. At a subsequent meeting with the patient, she agreed a joint visit with the CPN, my mentor and me to re-assess her condition and consider if it was necessary to refer her case to the Consultant. I was given the opportunity to participate in the assessment, which showed that her behaviour was very unpredictable and very forgetful. Her inability to take her medication and to manage her personal hygiene clearly demonstrated that she was not well and indeed, had no insight into her illness and was in denial (Barker, 2004). However, the patient had been very upset because of the lack of communication and interpersonal skills that the staff and the student had displayed. I talked to Xst about her non-concordance with her medication, whilst stroking her hand but she persisted in saying she was well. I reminded her that continuous use of the medication would benefit her mental health and protect her against relapse. We agreed that she could discuss this with the doctor on her next outpatient appointment, with the option of reviewing or reducing her medication. I stressed the importance of her communicating any side effects or reservations she may have about the medication to doctor. She appeared to understand this and following the discussion, she finally complied with her depot injection. Feeling During the handover, I was nervous as I felt uncomfortable about giving feedback to the whole team. I was worried about making mistakes during my handover that could lead to inappropriate care being given to Xst or could cause her readmission to hospital. As a student nurse I felt I lacked the necessary experience to be passing information to a group of qualified staff members. However, I dealt with the situation with outward calm and in a professional manner. I was very pleased that my mentor was available during the handover to offer me support and this increased my confidence. Evaluation What was good about the experience was that I was able to carry out the initial assessment and identify what caused Xst failure to comply with the treatment regime. From my assessment I documented the outcome and related what had happened to the MDT with minimal assistance. Accurate documentation of patients care and treatment should communicate to other members of the team in order to provide continuity of care (NMC, 2008). The experience has improved my communication skills immensely, I felt supported throughout the handover by my mentor who was constantly involved when I missed out any information. Thomas et al, (1997) explains that supervision is an important development tool for all learners. The team were very supportive throughout the process as they took my information without doubt. What was not good about the experience was the fact that my mentor had not informed me that I was going to handover the information; as a result I had not mentally prepared myself for it. I also felt that I needed more time to observe other professionals in the team carrying out their handovers before I attempted to carry out mine. During the first MDT meeting, I felt that we did not provide enough time to freely interact with Xst to identify other psychosocial needs that could impact on her health. However, in any event, she was unable to fully engage because of her mental state. Turley (2000) suggests that nursing staff should include their interaction with the patient when recording assessment details, which can be used to provide evidence for future planning and delivery of care. Dougherty and Lister (2004) have suggested that healthcare professionals should use listening as part of assessing patient problems, needs and resources. Analysis The literature regarding communication and interpersonal skills is vast and extensive. Upon reading a small amount of the vast literature available, the author was able to analyse the incident, and look at how badly this situation was handled. I realised communication is the main key in the nursing profession as suggested by Long (1999) who states that interpersonal skills are a form of tool that is necessary for effective communication. The behaviour of the person listening to the person who is talking is important during the interpersonal process (Burnard, 1992).The author used touch to convey support, genuineness and empathy, which is essential for the helping relationship (Betts, 2002, cited in Kenworthy et al, 2002). Carl Rogers (1967, cited by Betts, 2002, in Kenworthy et al, 2002) recommended three principal conditions necessary for effective counseling: empathic understanding, congruence or genuineness and unconditional positive regard. The terms genuineness and congruence ar e used interchangeably and used to describe the helper always being real in the helping relationship (Betts, 2002, cited in Kenworthy et al, 2002). I found it difficult to communicate with the patient initially because I did not understand her condition ( Adams,2008). It was also difficult for me not to take her behaviour to heart and show emotion at the time and thought this to be a failure. Even though the NMC (2008) maintains that nurses have a responsibility to empower patient in their care and to identify and minimise risk to patient, the principle of beneficence (to do well) must be balanced against no maleficence (doing no harm) (Beauchamp and Childress, 2001). All these transactions were recorded in Xsts care plan file and on computer. Good record keeping is an integral part of nursing and midwifery practice, and is essential to the provision of safe and effective care. It is not an optional extra to be fitted in if circumstances allow NMC (2009). The consequences of my actions for the patient and her daughter were that she attended to her daughters needs and to her personal hygiene, and made regular fortnightly visits t o the clinic. Her mental condition was improved. She was allowed to continue on her moderate medication and she did not have to be readmitted in the hospital. However, Bulman Schutz (2008) argue that this failure is to educate and for us to learn from practice and develop thinking skills. I would agree with them, as I learn best from practical experience, and build on it to improve my skills. With this is mind, I am now going to focus on my weaknesses, in both theory and practice, and state how, when and why I plan to improve on these. Through effective communication I was able to convince Xst of the need to take her medication. I was able to pass on the information to the MDT for continuity of care. Roger et al (2003) concluded that communication is an on-going process but can be a difficult process when dealing with mental health problems. Whilst talking I attempted to use Egans SOLER (Egan, 1990, cited in Burnard, 1992).The SOLER acronym is an aid to identifying and remembering the behaviours that should be implemented in order to promote effective listening (Burnard, 1992). I Sat facing Xst; assumed an Open posture; Leaned towards Xst slightly (in order to express interest); maintained Eye contact and attempted to appear Relaxed, as advised by Egan. During the handover I was pleased that the MDT members were supportive and interested in what I was saying and they asked questions. My mentor explained that a patient with schizophrenia can often behave like this as they develop dementia, which Noble (2007) also confirms. Since the incident I have read about schizophrenia and I am now aware that the patients expressionless face Netdoctor (2008), also made her comments appear more confusing and aggressive. Conclusion In conclusion, I have learnt that through effective communication, any problem can be solved regardless of the environment, circumstances or its complexity. Therefore, nurses must ensure they are effective communicators. I have identified the weaknesses that should be turned to strengths. I am now working on strengthening my assertiveness, confidence and communication skills. Participating in the care of Xst I have realised that a good background information and feedback about mental health problems before providing care to clients can assist in accurate diagnosis and progress monitoring. A good relationship between client and staff nurse is therapeutic and help in building trust. This can be achieved by a free communication that allows the client to express their feelings and concern without the fear of intimidation. From the experience, I feel the knowledge I have acquired will aid me in future practice should such situation arise again. Action Plan So that I could identify my strengths and weaknesses in both theory and practice easily, I found that the use of a SWOT analysis provided a good framework to follow. I have then built on this by producing a development plan that focuses on my weaknesses and how, when and why I plan to improve on them. I will now begin to work on these, the main reason being of course, that I am determined to be a competent, professional nurse in the future. I am now more prepared for any future patients with this disease as I have researched it. I will take the time to talk to them, to make sure they are at ease with me, before providing any care. If they appear distressed I would get another member of staff to help me to reassure them. Learning Need To improve my knowledge about patients illnesses and the risks of relapse associated with not taking medication. To identify and have good background information and feedback about patients mental health problems before providing care to them. To ensure a good rapport exist between my patient and I, in order to build up a therapeutic relationship with them and to gain their trust. To have effective communication with the patients and other members of the multidisciplinary team and being prepared. Planned action to meet these learning needs I aim to read books about different illnesses and causes of relapse and to read my patients notes. I will be talking with senior members of staff and allocating time to talk to patients and their relatives and participating in the ward round. Finally, I will have regular meetings with my clients. Target time to meet the learning needs I hope by the end of third year and some will be on-going skills to develop throughout the training. CONCLUSION I have clearly demonstrated that by using a reflective model as a guide, I have been able to break down, make sense of, and learn from my experience during my placement. At the time of the incident I felt very inadequate It was also difficult for me not to take her behaviour to heart and show emotion at the time, it is clear that this is an area I need to build on for the future. Nursing requires effective preparation so that we can care competently, with knowledge and professional skills being developed over a professional lifetime. One way this can be achieved is through what some writers refers to as technical rationality, where professionals are problem solvers that select technical means best suited to particular purposes. Problems are solved by applying theory and technique. The invaluable use of non-verbal communication has now become clearer to the author. The author believes he has become more self-aware regarding his own non-verbal communication and hopes that in the future he will use his communication skills to become a better advocate for the patient in his care. The aim of this report is to look at a critical incident that occurred in placement and relate this to the theory and knowledge regarding communication and interpersonal skills, so as to demonstrate an understanding of my views on the art and science of reflection and the issues surrounding reflective practice Reflection is part of reflective practice and a skill that is developed. It can be seen as a way of adjusting to life as a qualified healthcare professional and enhancing the development of a professional identity (Atwal Jones, 2009). Reflection is defined as a process of reviewing an experience which involves description, analysis and evaluation to enhance learning in practice (Rolfe et al 2001). This is supported by Fleming (2006), who described it as a process of reasoned thought. It enables the practitioner to critically assess self and their approach to practice. Reflective practice is advocated in healthcare as a learning process that encourages self-evaluation with subsequent professional development planning (Zuzelo, 2010). Reflective practice has been identified as one of the key ways in which we can learn from our experiences. The incident that was chosen was so for the reasons that the situation made the student aware of inadequacies on his own part and those of the staff on the team, which made him reflect upon the situation and how this could be learned from, so as not to make the same mistake again. Before the critical incident is examined it is important to look at what a critical incident is and why it is important to nursing practice. Girot (1997), cited in Maslin-Prothero, (1997) states that critical incidents are a means of exploring a certain situation in practice and recognising what has been learned from the situation. Benner (1984, cited by Kacperek, 1997) argues that nurses cannot increase or develop their knowledge to its full potential unless they examine their own practice. Confidentiality will be maintained as required by the Nursing Midwifery Council Code (NMC, 2008). MODELS In order to provide a framework for methods, practices and processes for building knowledge from practice, there are several models of reflection available. All can help to direct individual reflection. Reflective models, however, are not meant to be used as a rigid set of questions to be answered but to give some structure and encourage making a record of the activity. Johns (2004) model reflects on uncovering the knowledge behind the incident and the actions of others present. It is a good tool for thinking, exploring ideas, clarifying opinions and supports learning. Another model, Schon (1987), however, identifies two types of reflection that can be applied in healthcare, Reflection-in-action and Reflection-on-action. Reflection-in-action can also be described as thinking whilst doing. Reflection-on-action involves revisiting experiences and further analysing them to improve skills and enhance future practice. Terry Bortons (1970) 3 stem questions: What?, So What? and Now What? were developed by John Driscoll in 1994, 2000 and 2007. Driscoll matched the 3 questions to the stages of an experiential learning cycle, and added trigger questions that can be used to complete the cycle. However, Driscoll (2006) notes that reflective practice is often represented as a choice for health professionals, whether to be reflective or not to be, about their clinical practice. Finally, Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle is fairly straightforward and encourages a clear description of the situation, analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience, analysis to make sense of the experience, conclusion where other options are considered and reflection upon experience to examine what one would do if the situation arose again. In spite of all these models advantages, there are known barriers which prevent practitioners being able to reflect effectively and time plays a huge role. Smyth (2004) questions whether there is any time to think and be reflective because of the busy work environment that practitioners are involved in. CHOSEN MODEL In this report, I have chosen to use Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988) as a framework, because it focuses on different aspects of an experience and allows the learner to revisit the event fully. Gibbs (1988) will help me to explore the experience further, using a staged framework as guidance and I feel that this is a simple model, which is well structured and easy to use at this early stage in my course. This model comprises of a process that helps the individual look at a situation and think about their thoughts and feelings at the time of the incident; and consists of six stages to complete one cycle. Its cyclical nature starts with a description of the situation. This includes e.g. where were you; who else was there; why were you there; what were you doing; what were other people doing. Next is to analysis of the feelings that is, trying to recall and explore those things that were going on inside your head? The third stage is an evaluation of the experience; making a judgement regarding the reasons behind the event and its possible consequences. The fourth stage is an analysis to make sense of the experience. At this stage the event is broken down into its component parts so they can be explored separately. The fifth stage is a conclusion of what else could I have done; the creation of insight through the reflective process towards individual roles within the event being considered. And final stage is an action plan to prepare if the situation arose again. That is, recognitions leading towards behavioural adjustments where faced with similar events in the future (NHS, 2006). The use of this model represents a fundamental shift from the ideas of Kolb in that Gibbs model specifically refers to the key processes within reflection itself, rather than as reflection as a process within general learning. Reflective practice can mean taking our experiences as an initial point for our learning and developing practice (Jasper, 2003). Many literatures have been written in the past that suggest the use of reflective assignments and journaling as tools to improve reflection and thinking skills in healthcare (Chapman et al, 2008). Reflective journals are an ideal way to be actively involved in learning (Millinkovic Field, 2005) and can be implemented to allow practitioners to record events and document their thoughts and actions on daily situations, and how this may affect their future practice (Williams Wessel, 2004). The experience gained in this can then be used to deal with other situations in a professional manner. By contemplating it thus, I am able to appreciate it and guided to where future development work is required. Context of incident In the scenario the patients name will be given as Xst. The consequences of my actions for the client will be explained and how they might have been improved, including what I learned from the experience. My feelings about the clinical skills used to manage the clients care will be established and my new understanding of the situation especially in relation to evidence based practice will be considered. I will finally reflect on what actions I will take in order to ensure my continued professional development and learning. Xst is 55 year old woman who has a 10 year old daughter. She suffers from psychiatric problems, lack of motivation and has difficulties in maintaining her personal hygiene and the cleanliness of her flat. She was one of my mentors clients to whom I had been assigned to coordinate and oversee her care under supervision. Nurses owe their patients a duty of care and are expected to offer a high standard of care based on current best practise, (NMC 2008). Description Xst had been prescribed Risperidone Consta 37.5mg fortnightly, which is a moderate medication. Risperidone belongs to a group of medicines called antipsychotic, which are usually used to help treat people with schizophrenia and similar condition such as psychosis. Xst did not like attending depot clinic and she missed three consecutive appointments. My mentor decided after the third non-attendance to raise the issue in the handover meeting where it was decided to see Xst in the morning but when we arrived she was not there. We left a note for her to call the office. We did not hear from her and a further home visit was carried out to arrange for her next depot clinic appointment. I was asked to call a meeting of the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) who, at the meeting agreed that there would be a problem if the next injections were missed. At the next clinic, we waited for about an hour but she failed to attend. At a subsequent meeting with the patient, she agreed a joint visit with the CPN, my mentor and me to re-assess her condition and consider if it was necessary to refer her case to the Consultant. I was given the opportunity to participate in the assessment, which showed that her behaviour was very unpredictable and very forgetful. Her inability to take her medication and to manage her personal hygiene clearly demonstrated that she was not well and indeed, had no insight into her illness and was in denial (Barker, 2004). However, the patient had been very upset because of the lack of communication and interpersonal skills that the staff and the student had displayed. I talked to Xst about her non-concordance with her medication, whilst stroking her hand but she persisted in saying she was well. I reminded her that continuous use of the medication would benefit her mental health and protect her against relapse. We agreed that she could discuss this with the doctor on her next outpatient appointment, with the option of reviewing or reducing her medication. I stressed the importance of her communicating any side effects or reservations she may have about the medication to doctor. She appeared to understand this and following the discussion, she finally complied with her depot injection. Feeling During the handover, I was nervous as I felt uncomfortable about giving feedback to the whole team. I was worried about making mistakes during my handover that could lead to inappropriate care being given to Xst or could cause her readmission to hospital. As a student nurse I felt I lacked the necessary experience to be passing information to a group of qualified staff members. However, I dealt with the situation with outward calm and in a professional manner. I was very pleased that my mentor was available during the handover to offer me support and this increased my confidence. Evaluation What was good about the experience was that I was able to carry out the initial assessment and identify what caused Xst failure to comply with the treatment regime. From my assessment I documented the outcome and related what had happened to the MDT with minimal assistance. Accurate documentation of patients care and treatment should communicate to other members of the team in order to provide continuity of care (NMC, 2008). The experience has improved my communication skills immensely, I felt supported throughout the handover by my mentor who was constantly involved when I missed out any information. Thomas et al, (1997) explains that supervision is an important development tool for all learners. The team were very supportive throughout the process as they took my information without doubt. What was not good about the experience was the fact that my

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Greatest Happiness Principle Analysis Philosophy Essay

Greatest Happiness Principle Analysis Philosophy Essay Some of the eighteenth century English moralists, including Butler and Shaftesbury, stressed the naturalness of benevolence or of seeking the good of others and of its place in the moral life and Hutcheson actually stated that the objective or material end of good conduct is the greatest happiness for the numbers, the phrase that came to be the motto of English Utilitarianism. The great leaders of this school at its prosperous period, the beginning of the nineteenth century, were Bentham, James Mill, and his son, John Stuart Mill. If these moralists had merely argued for a purely hedonistic theory of ethics, maintaining that pleasure is the sole good, their theory might not have met with such general acceptance. Attributed with the fundamentals of utilitarianism are Jeremy Bentham and afterward, John Stuart Mill. They are often referenced together; however, each had opposed viewpoints on more than a few aspects of the theory. Bentham was more basic in his image of utility, focusing on the primal human instincts of making the most of pleasure and avoiding pain. He promoted a scheme called the hedonic calculus. In this method, one could algebraically decide the right choice by setting the potential positive outcomes and negative consequences of an action against another. Bentham was comfortable equating the pleasure of a game of pushpin to that of reading poetry; Mill was choosier, articulating hierarchies of pleasures depending upon their scholarly value. Utilitarianism is based on two sets of premises, the axiomatic truths of egoistic hedonism on one side, and the principles of benevolence and equity on the other side. A mans dedication to the pursuit of general happiness is the best means of achieving happiness for him so reconciliation between egoistic hedonism and utilitarianism maybe possible upon recognition that another persons happiness is of identical value to ones own. Mill believed that the most ethical action was that which brought the most people the greatest amount of happiness. Happiness, according to Mill, is pleasure and the absence of pain, and unhappiness is pain, and the privation of pleasure. The crux of Mills ethical theory is his Greatest Happiness Principle, according to which actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. Every human being tries to promote his or her own happiness, and avoid unhappiness, which is natural rather than ethical however promoting happiness becomes an ethical theory when applied to all human beings, rather than just individuals. Utility is defined as maximizing pleasure over pain, According to Mill, human pleasures are much superior to animalistic ones: once people are made aware of their higher faculties, they will never be happy to leave them uncultivated; thus happiness is a sign that we are exercising our higher faculties. It is true that some pleasures may be base; however, this does not mean that all of them are: rather, some are intrinsically more valuable than others. When making a moral judgment on an action, utilitarianism thus takes into account not just the quantity, but also the quality of the pleasures resulting from. A pleasure is of higher quality if people would choose it over a different pleasure even if it is accompanied by discomfort, and if they would not trade it for a greater amount of the other pleasure. Moreover, Mill contends, it is an unquestionable fact that, given equal access to all kinds of pleasures, people will prefer those that appeal to their higher faculties. The people best qualified to judge a pleasures quality are people who have experienced both the higher and the lower. Furthermore, Mill observed that even if the possession of a noble character brought less happiness to the individual, society would still benefit. Mill also argues that peoples achievement of goals and ends, such as virtuous living, should be counted as part of their happiness. Since the utilitarians standard for judging an act is the happiness of all people, not of the agent alone, thus, a person must not value his own happiness over the happiness of others; and law and education help to instill this generosity in individuals. However, this does not mean that peoples motives must only be to serve the greatest good; indeed utilitarianism is not concerned with the motives behind an action; the morality of an action depends on the goodness of its result only. Moreover, in most aspects of everyday life, a person will not be affecting large numbers of other people, and thus need not consider his or her actions in relation to the good of all, but only to the good of those involved. It is only the people who work in the public sphere and affect many other people who must think about public utility on a regular basis. Utilitarianisms sanctions (internal and external),a feeling for humanity, are based on natural human sentiments, which the proper system of education could nurture. In order to show that happiness is the sole criterion for morality, it is necessary to show that people never desire anything but happiness. Mill says that people do desire things like virtue, which in common language is distinguished from happiness. However, Mill states that people love virtue only because it constitutes a part of happiness. Mill argues that happiness is not an abstract idea, but a whole with component parts. Because virtue is a part of happiness, and promotes the general happiness, utilitarianism encourages the development of virtue. Act Utilitarianism holds that actions should be judged directly according to their consequences for happiness while rule utilitarians are in favor of the principle that actions should be judged according to rules which, if followed, will have consequences conducive to the greater happiness. Critical appreciation Contrary to the impression Benthams and Mills highlighting upon pleasure may give, utilitarianism does not imply or endorse an egotistical approach to life. Bentham says, Each is to count for one and no one for more than one. i.e. my own pleasures and pains and those of others are to be calculated and compared exactly on a par. Utilitarian(s) insist that everyones welfare should be treated as equal. This ensures that utilitarianism is not an egotistical doctrine. Neither is utilitarianism altruistic, i.e. it does allow us to be concerned with our own welfare, though not to the exclusion of others, an attitude of generalized benevolence. The statement that pleasure is the only thing that is desirable commits a naturalistic fallacy. Desirable means what ought to be desired cannot be defined in terms of what men desire and that men actually desire it is no proof of a thing being desirable To infer from the statement that each persons happiness is a good to each particular person, the conclusion that the general happiness is good to the whole number of persons, commits the fallacy of composition.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Karl Marx :: essays research papers

Karl Marx was the father of laissez-faire which means the survival of the fittest. Those who develop the most complex of societies, those with the most money and power are considered the fittest and have â€Å"triumphed† over the inferior. This occurs in order for society to move forward and create a work ethic for members of the working class to follow. This may only occur for members of the dominant group. Those who are non-white and non-male may not experience the same benefits.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Poverty a sign of inferiority because they don’t have the power the fittest have. Those who owned the means of production were the â€Å"fit† individuals because this gave them power over the lower classes. Spencer argued against government interference to help the lower classes, he said that this would only go against the natural evolution of mankind. The Welfare system, in Spencer’s critique is a system to help the parasites of society to survive. They drain the system that the capitalists have built. Over time these â€Å"unfit† classes would either improve or die off.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Simple societies were like infants, which would either grow up, aided, ideally by the example of more advances adults, or not evolve and therefore die off.† (Social Theory for a Change, P.53). These ideas were from a capitalist prospective. Spencer felt that an entirely free market could work; Marx’s laissez-faire ideas backed the idea that government interference or regulation would once again only inhibit the natural evolution of society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Only laissez-faire (Free economy) capitalism, which permitted individuals to profit as they saw fit, would allow human happiness and further societal progress† (P.49) Spencer’s ideas were imperialist because they say that only the strongest/fittest of societies will last over time and â€Å"inferior† nations wouldn’t be able to adapt to the changing world and would eventually disappear.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

My Goal of Teaching Essay -- College Admissions Essays

To state that my goal is to become a teacher in the primary grades of elementary school is somewhat like writing a one-sentence synopsis of an intricate and wonderful dream. In Webster's Dictionary the word "goal" is defined as: "A point towards which effort or movement is directed; the objective point or terminus that one is striving to reach; the end aimed at." In each of the definitions the aim of the goal is stagnant. My goal of teaching feels much more like a living thing. I would define it more as a journey than a goal. I do not remember a time when I was not interested in becoming a teacher. Although I followed a different career path when I was young, I never let go of my dream to teach. For various reasons it was pushed to the back of my consciousness and seemingly forgotten. But for the past seventeen years, since the birth of my first child, my life has been intertwined with children and my desire to teach has been rekindled. I started out working with my own children. As they grew so did I. My interaction with kids progressed to include their new friends and ult...

Evidenced Based Practice Essay -- Nursing

Evidenced Based Practice ( EBP) is essential to enable all nurses to provide the most current up to date practises for their patients. This process involves research, systematic review of current practices, critical thinking skills, evaluation and application to clinical practice taking into account patient preferences. It is vital for nurses professional autonomy to be able to justify their actions and demonstrate an understanding of why they perform the tasks they do. This defines them as unique professionals judged by their knowledge and not simply by their hands on skills. As stated by McSherry, Simmons & Pearce (2002); â€Å"Nurses are responsible for the care they provide for their patient. They have to be active, competent and autonomous in providing this care and be able to justify what they do. It is no longer acceptable for nurses to base care on ritual and tradition- they must be able to justify the decision they have made about appropriate care and treatment on the basis of a professional expertise which includes using research evidence to inform practice.† (p.1). One of the best known definitions of evidence based practice is; â€Å"The conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence about the care of individual patients.† (Sackett et al. 1997, as cited in Holland & Rees, 2010, p. 7). Individualised care and research is not a new concept. Florence Nightingale first demonstrated this through her note taking and analysis of data. As a result mortality rates were reduced for medical and surgical patients as hygiene practises were improved. (Schmidt & Brown, 2009). For today’s nurses this transcribes into using the best research knowledge to make clinical decisions that benefits the patient. This involves q... ...J .V., & Smyth, R.L. (Eds.). The evidenced- based practice manual for nurses. Sydney, NSW: Churchill Livingstone. Polit, D.F., & Beck, C.T. (2010). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice. (7th ed.). Philadelphia, USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Rees, C. (2010). Understanding evidence and its utilization in nursing practice. In Holland, K., & Rees, C. (Eds.). Nursing: Evidence-based practise skills. New York: Oxford University Press. Schmidt, N.A., & Brown, J.M. (2009). Evidence-based practice for nurses: Appraisal and application of research: Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Stillwell, S.B., Fineout-Overholt, E., Melnyk, B.M. & Williamson, K. M. (2010). Evidence- Based Practice Step by Step: Asking the clinical question: A key step in evidence- based practice. American Journal of Nursing, 110(3),58-61.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Causes of Civil War Essay

You hear the word civil in such terms as civil rights, civilian, civilization and civil liberty. All are related to the concept of a common citizen and a member of society. So, a civil war is a war between citizens representing different groups or sections of the same country. That is how the Civil War in the United States between 1850-1860 started. The distinction of ideas about slavery between the South and the North was pretty much the main cause of the war. However if we look at the details carefully, the economic forces in the South combined with the cotton plantations and the reactions to abolitionism in the South were the main factors that caused the Civil War. Economics was an important cause of the Civil War. Economic reasons affected and still affect almost everyone around the world. The economy, simply money gives people a lot of power, which causes a lot of problems between people, and makes everything more complicated. That’s pretty much why it was a big deal with the starting of the Civil War. It started around early 1800s with the harvesting of cotton in the South (Holland, â€Å"The North-South Divide†). Harvesting of cotton required the labor of many people with the invention of cotton gin. So, the way of making a lot of money out of cotton was to find enough laborers to work with. That’s how slavery became essential for the South’s economic future because it was a great source of laborers. In this way slave and cotton plantation owners were making a lot of money and expanding their plantations and of course the number of slaves they owned, which made slavery expand in the South pretty quickly. Also, people who owned slaves and the cotton plantations were mostly the men of social and political power, and of course they didn’t want to lose their power. They were getting richer and richer every day with the expanding plantations with the invention of the cotton gin. For example, Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were some of the most powerful slave owners of that time. Davis had a great political career, and Lee was an important commander and general in the army. They and the other slave owners got their power from slavery and didn’t want to lose that power. While slavery kept expanding in the South, the North didn’t like that. The North was against the expansion of slavery, an opposition captured by Free Soil Ideology. Their main purpose was opposing the expansion of slavery into the western territories, because they saw it as a corrupt economic system. This made the South see the Free Soil movement as a threat of making slavery totally disappear. The South was threatened because they thought this ideology in the North would keep expanding and finally free all the slaves they owned, and ruining the Southern economy (Brinkley). While this happened in the South, the idea of abolitionism kept spreading through the North. Another cause of divisions between the North and the South was the abolitionist movement. The South saw this movement as a threat from the North, and becoming suspicious of them. John Brown was clearly the most significant radical abolitionist at that time. He fought slavery for years but his most significant action took place at Harper Ferry, Virginia. Brown seized federal arsenal, and he hoped the slaves would come to Harpers Ferry and march through the South, fighting slavery. This way he scared the South, because a slave rebellion had always been the region’s main fear, and therefore the South formed militias. Most Southerners were convinced Brown had done what a lot of Northerners wanted to do, which threatened them (â€Å"John Brown Farm, North Elba, New York – New York History Net†). In other wards, Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry 1859 fed fear of slave uprising. Southerners basically thought the Republican Party supported John Brown’s Raid and what he had done (Holland, â€Å"Abolitionism†). This was a big issue for them, because the sixteenth president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, was elected the next year and he was a member of the Republican Party. The South thought that being a member of the Republican Party meant being an abolitionist. This worried them, because abolitionists wanted to make slavery disappear, and they thought that’s exactly what the new president of the whole country, Lincoln wanted to do. So, the South saw the election of Abraham Lincoln as a threat. On the other hand, Abraham Lincoln was not an abolitionist, and he didn’t think what John Brown did was good and ethical. He didn’t want to make the South be against him. He was just supporting the Free Soil Ideology. So Lincoln just didn’t want slavery to expand. However the South didn’t see this distinction. Even before Lincoln was inaugurated, Southern states began to secede from the Union (â€Å"Abraham Lincoln†). So that was pretty much how the conflict first started, and caused the Civil War to begin. The Civil War ended in 1865 and slavery was finally abolished. Slavery had been the main reason for its start, because of the economic divisions it sparked along with abolitionism. The harvesting of cotton was a big source of money at that time, especially after the invention of the cotton gin and needed a great source of slaves as laborers. The abolitionist movement added more to this conflict with the misunderstandings about Lincoln’s political views in the South. At the end, the price for the war was pretty high. Lincoln, a visionary president, was assassinated, and it was the bloodiest and the saddest war in American history. It has a valuable part in American history and worth remembering a clear example of what’s right and what’s wrong.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Legal Forms of Business Paper

Legal Forms of Business Paper Law/531 June 3rd, 2011 University of Phoenix Legal Forms of Business Paper Selecting the best form of operating a business depends on the type of business the owner wants to run. The owners have to pick the structure that best meets their needs. â€Å"The selection depends on many factors, including the ease and cost of formation, the capital requirements of the business, the flexibility of management decisions, government restrictions, personal liability, tax considerations, and the like† (Henry Cheeseman, 210, p. 529) Moreover, choosing the right form to run a business will also determine how the business is organized, how the cash flow is, and how the business is taxed. â€Å"The most common forms of business organization are: sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnerships, limited liability company, and corporation† (Henry Cheeseman, 210, p. 529). According to the situation given, the best form is limited partnership. Limited partnership refers to the types of owners the business will have, general (managers) and limited partners (investors). In this sense, Monica, and Susan will be the managers of the businesses because they both will operate the business with their skills, Susan with her computer graphics skills and Monica with her marketing skills. Whereas Vic will be the investor providing some capital to run the business, she will not be part of management; Vic will act as a passive investor. In limited partnership, managers have unlimited liability and the investors have liability to up the amount of their capital contributions. General partners will control everyday activities in the business. Monica and Susan will be responsible of the business debts as well. Despite, limited partnership is more complex than general partnership; this is the best form to meet Vic’s, Monica’s and Susan’s needs. Vic will have limited personal liability for business debts as long as she will not participate in management. Monica and Susan will have the possibility of raising money without involving outside investors once they can incorporate enough money to run the business by themselves. Sole proprietorship was precluded because the business will be run by Monica and Susan because they have the necessary skills to be successful entrepreneurs. In this scenario, Vic will provide capital and will take a passive role in managing the business, she sill obtain profits because of her involvement in the business. For not facing some problems among them, they will have to reach an agreement generally written to state how shares will be handled; this is common called a limited partnership agreement. â€Å"This agreement sets forth the rights and duties of the general and limited partners; the terms and conditions regarding the operations, termination, and dissolution of the partnership; and so on† (Henry Cheeseman, 210, p. 547). The limited partnership agreement will set forth the transactions that managers and investors can approve. This document also states the how earnings and losses will be distributed among the partners. Limited partners have also the right of being informed by general managers about the business performance and the business financial status. If Susan or Monica wants to admit a new partner, the new candidate to operate the business can be included if Vic approves this, unless the agreement document states otherwise. Limited partnership is easy to set up, and to appeal investors as limited partners. This agreement is good to set arrangements for general partners to use their skills, and to decision-making regarding the business. Limited partners can drop the business without the need for the limited partner to be dissolved. The business form of corporation was not selected because of the process of forming a corporation takes time and money, compared with the rest business forms. Corporations are often audited by the government and have to deal with more paperwork to comply with the regulations of the states in which the business will run. Also, in corporations dividends paid o shareholders are not deductible from the business income; it may turn out taxing this income twice. Corporation is a business form more expensive to create than sole proprietorship or partnership. There is more paperwork in corporation than other forms of business. Corporation carries several tax disadvantages, and pays taxes on its own income. Whereas limited liability partnership was not chosen because of the disadvantages it offers for this kind of business that Vic, Susan, and Monica want to run. Limited liability partnership is more expensive to create and to maintain than sole proprietorship and partnership. In this form of business if one partner leaves, the business is dissolved. Limited partnership is a good method for Vic, Susan, and Monica to use the limited partnership as a form of business because of the advantages it presents for their good. Through this business form, they can share the profits with a minimum of effort. This form is also easy to attract investors. Monica and Susan can raise additional capital because of the liability of limited partners. There is also less paperwork, and it is easier to manage than corporation. Selecting the best form of business is a strategic decision that entrepreneurs face. This is an important decision because of the implications it brings to the business, regarding its ongoing legal and tax consequences. The best form of business will depend on the business goals and many other factors with big impact on the business performance. Choosing the legal form is crucial to determine the organization and performance of any kind of business. Entrepreneurs must measure the pros and cons before undertaking any businesses. Word count: 901 Reference Cheeseman, H. (2010). Business Law (7th ed. ). Colorado, DE: Prentice Hall.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Lasting Effects of Nuclear Arms Race and Cold War Essay

The cold war and the armed race have been regarded as one of the insecurity problem in the world of today. Cold war can be regarded as the state which involved the conflict, fear and competition between the allies of the United States of America and the Soviet Union with other counties which were allied. This cold war was felt in the period between the years of 1940s and the 1990s. At this period the war was fought by the use of the propagandas, military advancements, technological advancements and the weapon development which is generally referred as the arms race. During this period there was a lot of the defense spending by the member countries involved, many wars and the development of the hatred between the countries which were involved. This war was characterized by the increased hatred between the member countries. Thus this war was characterized by indirect attacks, thus it can be regarded as the war of words as the superpowers never fought directly. The cold war and the arms race have had profound lasting effects in the economic, political and the social growth of the world. This paper tries to analyze the lasting effects which were created as a result of this cold war and the arms race in general. At the same this paper tries to bring out the methods and the organization of this cold war and the milestone in the arms race in that time of the cold war up to the present world. The end of the cold war does not mean the end of the nuclear dangers. For instance the world is under the second nuclear danger, which is felt through the consequate terrorist attacks and the space missile advancements. (Bourantonis 48-55). The cold war has been regarded as the origin of the nuclear danger in the world up to date. It has been noted that it has created a dangerous world which makes the citizens of different countries to live with a lot of fear. This can be regarded as one of the dangerous challenge which the world superpowers such as the United States of America have ever experienced. The cold war has brought the basic realities of the arms race in the community at large. According to President Reagan, â€Å"nuclear war can not be won and should never be fought†. The cold war can be regarded as a long-term product which was created by the competition and proud ness between the world super powers (Bourantonis 48). In contrast to the fact that the United States, the Soviet Union, France and Britain had joined hands against the axis powers, this led even to much disintegration afterwards which has since reduced the developmental cooperation. There have been major disagreements between these states on regard to the direction of the post war world. ASfter the end of this cold war the military powers were mostly possessed by the Soviet Union and the United States of America while the axis powers occupied most of the Europe economic land. After the end of the cold war, it was believed that the nuclear danger had also come to an end, but this is not through up to date. Still there are many issues which need to be answered in relation to the political, social and economic developments. This has been not in light since the nuclear powers had been initially neglected. After the year of 1991 when the cold war ended many people believed that there would be better trends which shall promote the security of the world, but that has proved to be a nightmare. The effects of the cold war have not stopped but instead they have reversed their direction. It is true that there is a new era of the arms race which can be regarded as the second nuclear age (Buchanan, Tom 75-79). The United States of America taught that the expansion of the Soviet Union would threaten the developing nations. Thus in the year of 1949 Mr. Truman who was then the president of United States of America had negotiated four hundred dollars from the congress for the promotion of the technical developments in the Latin America ,Africa and Asia. But such a move was not to develop these countries but to prevent the spread and growth of the communism principles which were supported by the Soviet Union (Byrad, Peter 68-69) . Consequently the United States of America and other Western powers made alliances to act against the attempts of the Soviet in extending their influences in the word, both in the economic and the political matters. After the end of the cold war there was a lot of the dictatorship among the countries in the western sphere. For instance in the year of 1949 the united states of America decided to sign a treat which was commonly known as the North Atlantic Treaty, where by the members said that the if any country which was a member was attacked, then it would be considered as an attack to all (Cowley 33-35). In response to this the Soviet formed an alliance commonly known as the Warsaw Pact. As a result of this arms race many countries in the world have a lot of the nuclear weapons which has generally endangered the world security. Although the nuclear arms decrease is the main aim of most of the countries, some of the negotiation process has consequently failed. The first arms negotiation which took place in Moscow between Moscow and Washington in the year of the 1969 aimed at reducing the massive weapons which were established during the cold war failed. Consequently there was the formation of the ABM Treaty in the year of 1972 between the Moscow and Washington, whereby it was agreed that the involved countries would reduce the nuclear missile system, but this treaty has been in jeopardy. At the same time there was the formation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treat (NPT), which was one of the arms treat which was negotiated in the post war era. This NPT treaty which was signed in the year of 1968 was considered as one of the most important treaty which would have improved the security of the world but it has been constantly claimed that it was a plot between Moscow and Washington to promote their own interests (Crocker 27) Actually the conflict which is in the high degree between the Soviet Union and the Western world as been regarded as the basic catalyzing factor which is increasing the arms race in the present world (Dobrynini15). Although the collapse of the Soviet union in the year of 1991 was seen as the end of the arms race, this is not true. There is a lot of political struggles in the present world which has promoted the insecurity thus taking the place of the cold war. As the increase of the nuclear dangers is still felt in the present world, then the nuclear powers will not justify before the global world the reasons why they are holding their nuclear production strategies. The present world has tremendously changed. After the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of the cold war, the world had prophesized the end of the bipolar powers and the establishment of the multpolar powers. (Ericson 12-14). The United States of America had consequently has taken a new relationship by claiming that they are building an everlasting environment for solving their former nuclear disputes. For instance the United States government claims that it has taken a peace full dialogue of arms disarmament so as to reduce the arms powers in the world. But this method is not operational since other countries posses the nuclear weapons secretly without exposing them. The present world can be regarded as a world with increased threats. The world has reached in an era which makes the countries to push for the national security . Friedman, Norman (69), says that† As the cold war threat of massive nuclear strike has receded, new threats have emerged related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles†. At this century we are seeing a different picture which is developing slowly in the world. The arms control treats has totally collapsed. For instance the START treaty has reduced it s function since 1993 and it is in the process of breaking down. At the same time the ABM treaty is also in limbo due to the fact that the United States of America has decided to construct the missile defense systems. This defense system has consequently led to a lot of conflicts between Russia and the United States of America. The United States of America had requested Russia to comply with the amendments of the Start treaty so as to allow the United States of America to establish it s missile defense systems but Russia has constantly refused by arguing that the missile system may destabilize the nuclear race balance between the member countries. This missile defense system may be regarded as one way of the arms race in existence in the present world. Generally the post cold war time has proved to be having the bad conditions in regard to the nuclear arms control. The international interactions between many countries have deteriorated to a great extent. The economic developments have reduced between United States of America and Russia due to effect of the nuclear weapons development by these two powers. These two countries have been regarded as the forcing powers in the control of the nuclear weapons in the world. The nuclear weapons were consequently used by the United States of America and Russia. These nuclear weapons have a lot of impact in the world of today as they can destroy the entire world in general. Both indirectly and directly, the nuclear weapons have a profound effects in the relations between the United states of America and Russia (Soviet Union). Regardless of the fact that the United states of America and Russia have a particular duty in the development of the world s nuclear weapons policies, they have been implicated in the nuclear mess as they have experienced many problems from their creation. As a result the world security council has created the nuclear policies which regulate the arms development in the world. Russia and the United States of America are regarded as the leaders of the nuclear weapons development. At the same time the other countries has emerged successfully in the production of the lethal weapons such as the atomic bombs and some long range missiles which can be used in the war periods to deliver the nuclear devices from a long distance. For instance the relationship of the Russia and the United States of America as been in a difficult state as a result of the nuclear development between these two nations which have been regarded as super powers at one instance. When Bolsheviks was declared the leader of Russia, United states of America developed some enemity with the Soviet Union and it consequently cancelled the diplomatic links with the Soviet Union until the year of 1934 (Wolf 35-39). But in the year of 1941 United states of America and the Soviet united against Germany. The end of the Second World War which was characterized by the arms race between the countries led to the creation of two major alliances which served as the arms block. These alliances came to be known as NATO and the Warsaw Treaty. These two alliances were greatly involved in the cold war. The countries which were involved were supposed to adhere to the principles of either the USSR or United States of America in terms the political, economc and the military practices. In reward to their participation these countries would gain some security. This type of collaboration would be regarded as a type of colonialism. The Soviet Union and The United states of America had a cold war instead of a real war which is usually characterized by the participation of the military. As a result those countries which not allied to either the United States of America or USSR block started looking for means of creating their own nuclear weapons. For instance some countries like Britain and China succeeded. Thus this led to the establishment of five general nuclear powers which included the USSR, USA, Britain, France and China (Blum, William, 15-30). The long term effects of the arms race can be detected in the nuclear terrorism. Many of the terrorist groups such as the Al Qaeda have consequently used the same lethal weapons which were produced during the cold war. Most of the arms which are used in the terrorism attacks originate from the inferior countries which were developing the nuclear weapons silently. Not only that the arms race ended during the end of the cold war, but also the arms race is on progress. For instance many countries such as India, North Korea, Pakistan and Pakistan have constantly started to develop the nuclear weapons . This countries argue that they are carrying out peace full technological research. This is regarded as one method of establishing the nuclear weapons without the presence of the cold war. The historical lesson behind the nuclear weapons development is that those who develop them are responding to the fear that they may be attacked. As President Roosevelt quoted† The Soviet Union then raced to build the bomb because it feared the nuclear might of the United†. Consequently it might be established that the Indian government tested it s military for fear of the Chinese nuclear might. At the same time China carried out it s bomb tests because they feared the nuclear advancement of the Soviet Union and The United States (Breslauer, George, 37-38). There is a series of the threats and on the other hand some counter threats in the present world that links with the cold war are springing in the southern Asia and this links the future establishments of the nuclear weapons in the region. It has been quoted that many nations have developed nuclear weapons as a result of the regional reasons (Edelheit, Hershel, 45). In general the post cold war has a lot of lasting developments. There are no effective measures which can be used to eliminate the nuclear weapons. This is the emergence of the nuclear dangers. In this world, the nuclear advancement to other nations and the nuclear proliferation of the present nuclear powers can be regarded as the second dangerous era. The other lasting effects of this cold war and the arms race in general are that, the economic growth of the involved countries decreased. The expenses of the United States of America were high. Many American armies lost their lives in the Korea and Vietnam wars. Consequently the Soviet soldiers lost their lives also. Other people died in the Western Asia since the Asian soil was commonly used as the fighting ground of the axis powers. At the same time after the collapse of the cold war, Russia cut the military numbers. This step led to the unemployment of many people. Consequently after the Russian government started the capitalist reforms, it suffered the financial constrains which is more severe than the great depression of the 1930. In general the living standards in Russia have reduced during this post cold war period(Aslund, Anders 54). The environmental effect of this cold war and the arms race is one of the outstanding effects to the citizens of the involved countries. For instance the bombs which could explode caused a lot of environment pollution in the present world. The Japan bombing by the United States of America led to the release of the dangerous gases which have since then led to the birth deformity of the subsequent generations. Moreover the remains of these lethal weapons have caused a lot of air pollution and soil pollution. Even up to date the effect of such bombings is felt, many people lost their people whom they depended on to provide the daily live hood. The cold war up to date serves as one of the influential force in the world affairs, for instance the political roles in the United States of America are determined by the cold war, the ones who were supporters of the communistic groups have no much support. Those were against the Soviet Union are regarded as the true sons of the American soil thus they get much political benefits. Following the effect of McCarthyism theory which led to many prosecution of those w leading top much suffering. Thus in conclusion it can be determined that the cold war and the arms race in general has a lasting effect in the worlds up to date. Works cited Andrew, Christopher; Mitrokhin, Vasili, the Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB. Basic Books, 2000. Anatoly (2001), In Confidence: Moscow’s Ambassador to Six Cold War Presidents, University of Washington Press, 2001. Aslund, Anders, â€Å"How small is the Soviet National Income? † 1999. Blum, William, Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower, Zed Books 2006. Bourantonis, Dimitris, A United Nations for the Twenty-first Century: Peace, Security, and Development, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1996. Breslauer, George, Gorbachev and Yeltsin as Leaders. Cambridge University Press. 2002. Buchanan Tom. Europe’s Troubled Peace, 1945-2000. Blackwell Publishing. 2005. Byrd, Peter. â€Å"Cold War†. In Iain McLean & Alistair McMillan. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics. Oxford University Press. 2003. Charles Jr. The Impoverished Superpower: Perestroika and the Soviet Military Burden. California Institute for Contemporary Studies. 2000. Cowley, Robert, The Reader’s Companion to Military History, Houghton Mifflin Books, 1996 Crocker, Chester; Fen Hampson & Pamela Aall, Leashing the Dogs of War: Conflict Management in a Divided World, US Institute of Peace Press, 2007. Dobrynin, Edelheit, Hershel and Abraham. A World in Turmoil: An Integrated Chronology of the Holocaust and World War II. Greenwood Publishing Group. 1991. Ericson, Edward E, Feeding the German Eagle: Soviet Economic Aid to Nazi Germany, 1933–1941, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999, pp12-14. Friedman, Norman (2007). The Fifty-Year War: Conflict and Strategy in the Cold War. 2007. pp62-69 .