
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Human motivation Essay

introduction A somebody is a complex creature who goes through a variety of developmental changes in his life. Each of these changes, a particular intimateness occurs. When we learn, we organize, shape, and strengthen our brain. Humans are like machines who never get deteriorate of learning. From the day we are born, our brain works and encode those that we have learned in the web connections of our brain. But what does learning mean? Learning is how unrivalled acquires new information about the humanity he lives in.It is how he interprets and understands domain in a way that his behavior changes because of those learned information or noesis. Learning is too said to be an active process in which the pupil uses sensory input and constructs meaning out of those things that has to be learned. The learner quests to do something to be qualified to learn because learning is non just a passive acceptance of knowledge and ideas of a person al wizard, notwithstanding rather, an activity or process which involves the learner to engage with the world he is in.Motivation on the other hand is a attain component in learning. Essential because it includes an understanding of ways in which the knowledge can be used. Unless we know the reason why, we may not be very involved in using the knowledge that may be instilled in us, even with the most intensive, severe, rigid, and direct type of teaching. When one is not motivated to learn, teaching becomes ineffective and useless. Motivation is an inner state of take aim or liking that activates an individual to do something that will satisfy that need or desire.Motivation is derived from the need or desires internal to the individual such that others cannot motivate an individual but must manipulate environmental vari fitteds that may result in an increase or decrease of motivation. The relationship among motivation and learning is connected and are mutually causal. That is, those individuals, who are much mo tivated learn muchthose who learn more become more motivated (Richmond, 194).In classroom settings, the teacher uses an understanding of individual and assort motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages incontrovertible social interaction, active engagement in learning and self motivation. discriminating how to meet individual learners postulate for control, competence, and be farsighteding in the classroom is one key to student motivation to learn. Following are examples of learning as tied to human motivation. Teacher Rose is a regular teacher of 45 students in a public school. trinity of her students are repeaters and two manifests symptoms of mild retardation. Their presence in class causes her puree and anxiety not because she dont want these children there but because she feels like she is not able to help them as shes sibylline to be. Since there are no special schools in the place to issue the needs of these children, she decided to chec k for a scholarship at the territorial dominion office to study Special Education. The process was not an easy one but because of her desire to help these children, she was able to graduate and earned a degree in Special Education.Now shes more action and happy because she is able and capable of teaching and handling these types of children. Sir benzoin on the other hand is a teacher who wishes to become a attorney someday. But due to poverty, this dream remains only a dream. When he got married and belittled by his in-laws, Sir Benjamin vowed to become a lawyer to prove that he can be somebody someday, a person his in-laws would respect and be proud of. When his marriage was annulled due to insistence of his in-laws, Sir Benjamin applied for a scholarship in a university to pursue his studies in Law.After painful years of studying and teaching at the equal time, he was able to graduate and pass the board exam. Now, he is already a lawyer. Although he was not able to win back h is dearest wife, he is still happy and proud because at last, he was able to fulfill his dream and was able to prove himself at the same time. Jane is also an example of a person who was able to fulfill and finish her studies because of her desire to help her parents. Due to poverty, Jane wasnt able to pursue college education. She went to work in a restaurant for two years.When given a chance to apply for a scholarship at the Mayors office, she didnt hesitate to ask permission from her employer. Working during the day and studying during the nights. The process was long and hard and yet she was able to graduate. She was very motivated to finish her studies because she needs to get a descent job so she would be able to send her younger brothers and sisters to school. Now, she works in a bank, a galvanic pile more comfortable and happier because shes able to fulfill her dreams. Motivation therefore comes from within, and most people with intrinsic motivation are most in all prob ability to succeed.

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