
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Lee, Robert E. (Edward) 1807 -- 1870 Essay -- Essays Papers

Lee, Robert E. (Edward) 1807 -- 1870 General in chief of the Confederate armies in the American gracious War. Born in Virginias Westmoreland County on January 19, 1807, the third son of Henry ( precipitate Horse Harry) and Ann Hill Carter Lee. Declining fortunes forced the familys removal to Alexandria, where Robert distinguished himself in local schools. His fathers death in 1811 increased responsibilities on every(prenominal) the sons Robert, especially, cared for his hamper mother. Lee graduated number two in his class from the U.S. array Academy in 1829. Commissioned a brevet lieutenant of engineers, he spent a few age at fortress Pulaski, Georgia, and Fort Monroe, Virginia. At Fort Monroe on June 30, 1831, he married Mary Ann Randolph Custis, with whom he had seven children. Lee worked in the chief engineers office in Washington, D.C., from 1834 to 1837. He was transferred to Fort Hamilton, New York, where he remained until 1846. In August 1846 Lee united General pot E. Wools army in Texas. In the battle of Buena Vista, Lees buttock drew his superiors attention. Transferred to General Winfield Scotts Veracruz expedition, in the battle at Veracruz and in the claim on Mexico he won additional acclaim. Following American clientele of the Mexican capital, he worked on maps for possible future campaigns. Already a captain in the regular service, he was made brevet colonel for his knightliness in the war. Lee returned to engineer duty at Baltimores Fort Carroll until 1852, when he reluctantly became superintendent of the Military Academy at West Point. In 1855 he was made lieutenant colonel of the 2nd Cavalry, one of the Armys elite units. The years 1857-1859 were bleak. Lee had to take several furloughs to deal with family business and seriously estimate of resigning his commission. However, in 1859 he and his men successfully put down John Browns insurrection at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. In 1860 he became commander of the Department of Texas. sma tter of secession in the South grew strident during Lees Texas sojourn. No secessionist, he was doglike to the Union and the U.S. Army yet he had no doubts about his loyalties if Virginia exit the Union. Ties of blood bound him to the South. Lee accepted a commission as colonel of the 1st U.S. Cavalry in March 1861. But offered command of the inherent U.S. Army a month later, he hesitated. If he accepted... ...in chief of all Confederate armies in February 1865, could give only general direction to tardy disaster. Sherman marched upward through the Carolinas, threatening Petersburg. Lee failed to split Grants front. On April 2, Grants onslaught snapped Lees lines the Confederates began evacuating Petersburg and Richmond. Lee was compelled to surrender his shadow force of no more than 9,000 soldiers at Appomattox on April 9, 1865. Arlington, the Custis family seat, was gone now the Lees had no real home. They remained in Richmond, hygienic treated by the Federals. In September Lee accepted the governing body of Washington College, in Lexington, Virginia, where he remained until his death. Devoted to education and to resurrecting the South, Lee became a symbol of reunification. He refused to abandon his distressed country, hoped for Southern reassimilation, and set a lofty example. Without bitterness, he obeyed the law and counseled all Southerners to do the same. Indicted for treason, he never stood trial and although never granted a pardon, he lived in alleviate and in great honor. In September 1870 he was stricken, probably with an perspicacious attack of angina, and died on October 12.

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