
Monday, March 25, 2019

Flannery OConnor Essay -- essays papers

Flannery OConnorFlannery OConnor and the Relationship amid Two of Her Stories Flannery OConnor was born Mary Flannery OConnor on run into 25, 1925 in Savannah, Georgia, as the only child to Edward F. OConnor, Jr., and Regina (Cline) OConnor. by and by in 1941, Flannery OConnors father dies of lupus while OConnor is in Milledgeville, Ga. After her fathers death, OConnor rarely speaks of him and continues to be active in school projects such as drawing, reading, writing, and playing instraments. Further, in the spend of 1942, OConnor graduates and enters Georgia State College for Women as a sociology and English study. Moreover, OConnor took on the name Flannery OConnor, dropping Mary from her signature. When OConnor graduates from college, she leaves for Iowa city and applies for several college teaching positions while attending the University of Iowa. Thus, she receives her Masters of Fine liberal arts in 1947. Although her first story, The Geranium was publised in Accent, during the summer of 1946, it was only the beginning of many of her works to be published. Like her father, OConnor was living with lupus and her first major attack came in December, 1950. However, OConnor did not allow the disease to carry through her from writing and getting her works published. In fact, she got her nineth story , A inviolable Man Is Hard to Find published. Also, OConnor has won many measures and awards with her literary works over the years. For instance, she was named the Honorary Doctor of Letters by institutions, was the first prize of the O. Henry award in 1957 and 1963 and had previously won second in 1954 and 1955. Moreover, OConnor died on August 3, 1964 I a Milledgeville hospital. Nevertheless, her stories cont... ...g from these two stories, she uses the alike style in the majority of her works. More specifically, OConnor uses a hand of foreshadowing and irony, leading up to the catastrophe. Also, her subject matter is somewhat moot since the settings of the two stories are in the South, she uses southern dialect and religion, and most of all, they create the strangest endings. Perhaps the greatest story she has to tell is not her forte, the short story, at all but maybe its her own story. BibliographyWorks CitedOConnor, Flannery. A Good Man Is Hard to Find. Flannery OConnor Collected Works. clean York, NY The depository library of America, 1988. 137-153.Good Country People. Flannery OConnor Collected Works. New York, NY The Library of America, 198. 263-284.Walters, Dorthy. Flannery OConnor. Boston Twayne Publishers, Inc. 1973.

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