
Monday, March 25, 2019

osteoporosis :: essays research papers

Special Assignment NutritionDefine Type 1 and Type 2osteoporosis, and explain habits that increase a persons luck of exploitationosteoporosis.Type 1 osteoporosis is characterized as post menopausal. Women who argonapproaching the age of change of life should seriously consider consulting a physician toprepare for the changes her body is most to go through. As estrogen levels taper off, thekidneys start to draw calcium the body needs for normal maintenance of the skeletal framefrom the bones, which in turn results in a loss of trabecular calcium. Risks involved with such events include sudden breaks, the vertebrae may get down to disintegrate, teeth may beginto loosen, and fall out. Type 2 osteoporosis is known to happen with age. Although not like a shot related to hormones like Type 1, Type 2 also results in damage to the skeletalframe. Along with losses of trabecular goes cortical calcium, vertebrae wring cause thespine to form a wedged shape, and hips are oftentimes know to break. There are several habitsof a lifestyle which render to the on set osteoporosis. Smoking cigarettes effectsestrogen and calcium submergence resulting in lowered calcium levels. Maintaining a proper victuals that includes portion of vitamins (A, K, D, & C) and essentials minerals (phosphorous,fluoride, magnesium, and zinc) is a catch all remedy to fight against osteoporosis. Explainwhy women are more at risk of developing each grapheme of osteoporosis.Women are more atrisk to developing either osteoporosis out-of-pocket to the activity of estrogen in their bodies.Estrogen helps in calcium subtraction and fights against bone destroying osteoclasts cells.Women who have an irregular menstrual cycle or are post menopausal are at a higher riskof developing osteoporosis. 3b. Explain what changes in lifestyle you would recommendto your (choose one and circulate your choice mother,sister, wife, girlfriend, friend), to help her reduce her risk of developing osteoporosis. Thebest agency for any woman to fend against osteoporosis are maintain a diet of adequate

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